Shots Sussex > Covid-19


As you are all well aware, we have taken the opportunity to get the site ready to reopen.

Due to covid-19 we will not be able to open the whole site to capacity. There are limits to what we can achieve.

On this page we will try and answer all your questions and concerns:

What activities can we do? 

We can do all of our activities but in a socially distanced way, which will lead to less capacity. We will spread people out and utilise the space we have to the best of our abilities.

Is the shop open?

The shop will be open to one customer at a time. We will endeavour to sign in all range users outside the shop when weather permits. Users of the shop will be required to wear a mask when inside.

Can we get our cylinders and guns filled?

Yes! we can still fill cylinders and guns

Do you accept cash?

Yes! But please bring the correct amount so we limit contact and don’t have to give change. All prices are to £5 implements so no coins if possible.

What do I need to bring?

You will need to bring your own PPE and disinfectant wipes to wipe your own shooting table.

As a note from Bobby and Graham we would like everyone to respect others and even if you are not concerned about Covid, please respect that others could be. We have a duty to try and protect our volunteers so please give them space. Please only touch your own equipment and wipe down any common stuff you use. If we can stay safe, we will be able to stay open. Please on entry use the sanitizer station provided.

We look forward to seeing you back at the range.